Welcome to our news and blog section full of helpful, fun and interesting information on pets. Don’t forget to sign up to receive the latest updates in your inbox!

The Benefits Of Natural Pet Supplements

The Benefits Of Natural Pet Supplements

As pet owners, we are always looking for ways to improve the health and well-being of our furry companions so it is certainly worth exploring the benefits of natural pet supplements. Whether you have a dog, cat, or small animal, natural pet supplements play an...

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VetIQ Calendar Competition – March 2023

VetIQ Calendar Competition – March 2023

We're back with the VetIQ calendar competition for March 2023! Spring has sprung and the calendar competition is back for March! We want to see your best pet photos and the winner will be the face of March in our 2024 calendar and win a selection of treats for their...

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How To Stop Your Dog Begging For Food

How To Stop Your Dog Begging For Food

You may have noticed (it’s very difficult not to!) that every meal, every snack, and every takeaway treat unfortunately involves your dog begging for food. More often than not, you’ll give into them too - how can you say no sad little doggo eyes?! Giving in, however,...

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4 Essential Steps For Toilet Training A Dog

4 Essential Steps For Toilet Training A Dog

Whether you are thinking of getting a puppy or adopting an older dog, adding a new furry family member is an exciting and wonderful experience for anyone. Chances are, however, that one of the first things you’ll need to do is toilet-train them - but toilet training a...

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The Best Methods For Training Your Dog

The Best Methods For Training Your Dog

It is without a doubt that one of the most rewarding undertakings you can do as a pet parent is training your dog. While the old saying is true - that it can be challenging to teach an old dog new tricks, for pups, the task is more straightforward than you might...

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VetIQ Calendar Competition – February 2023

VetIQ Calendar Competition – February 2023

We're back with the VetIQ calendar competition for February 2023! Love is in the air, and the calendar competition is back for February! We want to see you share the love for your pets and show us your best pet photos. The best photo will be the face of February in...

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The Benefits Of Training A Dog

The Benefits Of Training A Dog

Regardless of your dog’s size, age, or breed, they need consistent guidance - and training a dog can feel like a daunting and intensive task, especially if you’re a new pet parent. However, training your dog can also be a deeply rewarding and fulfilling experience,...

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Why Is My Dog Eating Poop And How Can I Stop It?

Why Is My Dog Eating Poop And How Can I Stop It?

"Why is my dog eating poop?!" - a question for the ages indeed! Dogs certainly have a lot of dirty habits, like rolling around in the dirt and chewing on a week-old bone they hid in that pile of dirt. But of all of these murky pastimes, eating poop is by far the most...

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VetIQ Calendar Competition – January 2023

VetIQ Calendar Competition – January 2023

We're back with the VetIQ calendar competition for January 2023! Never mind blue January! The VetIQ calendar competition is back for 2023 and this January we want to see your best pet photos. The best pet photo will be the face of January in our 2024 calendar and win...

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Tips For Leaving A Cat Alone At Home

Tips For Leaving A Cat Alone At Home

Cats are independent creatures, but that doesn't mean they don't need companionship. Even the most self-sufficient cats will miss their owners when they are gone for extended periods. Leaving a cat alone at home can be a tough decision to make, but with the right...

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Christmas Competition For Pets 2023

Christmas Competition For Pets 2023

Celebrate the holidays by winning treats for your pet! Surprise! We have decided to end the year with a special bonus competition! The best photo entries will win a selection of treats for their pet – the perfect stocking filler for your furry friends. The competition...

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Christmas Safety Tips For Pet Owners

Christmas Safety Tips For Pet Owners

Christmas is almost here, and the signs are everywhere - decorated trees, wrapped presents, and yummy food! Your pets love all these things too, but Christmas can be a dangerous time for them, and as pet parents, it's our responsibility to ensure they stay safe -...

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12 Fun Ways To Celebrate Christmas With Pets

12 Fun Ways To Celebrate Christmas With Pets

When you’re caught up in the whirlwind of Christmas activities, it’s easy to forget what makes this time of year special. Christmas is a wonderful opportunity to spend quality time with your pet, and even spoil them a little (or a lot!). Pets have an amazing way of...

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Calendar Competition – November 2022

Calendar Competition – November 2022

It's calendar competition time! The VetIQ calendar competition is back and this November we want to see your best Winter-y pet photos! The best pet photo will be the face of November in our 2023 calendar and win a selection of VetIQ treats!!   To Enter:   On...

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What To Do When Your Dog Is Scared Of People

What To Do When Your Dog Is Scared Of People

The early months of a dog’s life are typically the most important in terms of its development. It is during this period that they learn about the world around them and create social relationships with humans and other dogs. This period is instrumental in shaping their...

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Keeping Pets Safe At Halloween

Keeping Pets Safe At Halloween

Keeping pets safe at Halloween is something we should all strive to do. As the spookiest night of the year approaches, it’s a good time for us all to be reminded of the dangers that this holiday can pose to the safety and well-being of our animals. While the Halloween...

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How To Help Your Dog Lose Weight

How To Help Your Dog Lose Weight

If you're wondering "Should my dog lose weight?" - you're not alone. Around the world, there is a growing epidemic of human obesity, with more than 1.9 billion overweight human adults. Unfortunately, as people get fatter, so too do their pets, as we share table food...

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Mark + Chappell is now VetIQ UK

Mark + Chappell is now VetIQ UK

It is with tremendous excitement that we announce that Mark + Chappell will now be going by our brand name VetIQ. Mark + Chappell was founded almost over 35 years ago in 1987 to provide high-quality pet healthcare solutions, without the need for veterinarian...

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Calendar Competition – September 2022

Calendar Competition – September 2022

The Mark + Chappell calendar competition is back and this September we want to see your best pet photos! The best pet photo will be the face of September in our 2023 calendar and win a selection of Mark+Chappell treats!!   To Enter:   On Instagram To enter...

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13 Tips For Puppy-Proofing Your Home

13 Tips For Puppy-Proofing Your Home

Bringing a puppy home is such an exciting and wonderful experience. But while it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement and the joy, some practical considerations should be taken into account, and one of the top priorities on your list should be puppy-proofing your...

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How To Recognise The Symptoms Of Dog Anxiety

How To Recognise The Symptoms Of Dog Anxiety

Dogs are emotional creatures, and as their pet parents, we must know how to recognise the symptoms of dog anxiety. Reading your dog’s body language is the best way to understand its state of comfort. Your ability to interpret the signs of anxiety in your dog makes all...

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How to Calm Dog Anxiety

How to Calm Dog Anxiety

There are many natural and conventional treatments to calm dog anxiety. In this article, we are going to have a look at the best choice for your pooch to smooth their anxiety and provide both them and you with some relief.   Dog anxiety is real!   Just like...

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Calendar Competition – August 2022

Calendar Competition – August 2022

The Mark + Chappell calendar competition is back and this July we want to see your best pet photos! The best pet photo will be the face of August in our 2023 calendar and win a selection of Mark+Chappell treats!!   To Enter:   On Instagram To enter on...

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8 Top Kitten Training Tips

8 Top Kitten Training Tips

We don’t often hear about kitten training. It is often thought that kittens cannot be trained, but this is simply not true! Yes, kittens are cute, fluffy and absolutely adorable to look at, but just like puppies, they need some guidance when it comes to good and bad...

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How To Keep Dogs Cool In Summer

How To Keep Dogs Cool In Summer

While this part of the world isn't always known for hot weather, we can certainly get some scorching spells from time to time. Our dogs are often outdoors a lot during the summer months, going on walks and constantly running after balls. While this is great fun for...

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Calendar Competition – July 2022

Calendar Competition – July 2022

The Mark + Chappell calendar competition is back and this July we want to see your best pet photos! The best pet photo will be the face of July in our 2023 calendar and win a selection of Mark+Chappell treats!!   To Enter:   On Instagram To enter on...

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How To Stop Your Dog Shedding

How To Stop Your Dog Shedding

We love our pooches, but let’s be honest - whether it’s barking, pooping, chewing, scratching or enduring constant dog shedding - sometimes they drive us crazy! However, most of these issues can be overcome (or at least mitigated) with the proper knowledge, tools and...

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Calendar Competition – June 2022

Calendar Competition – June 2022

The Mark + Chappell calendar competition is back and this June we want to see your best pet photos! The best pet photo will be the face of June in our 2023 calendar and win a selection of Mark+Chappell treats!!   To Enter:   On Instagram To enter on...

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