13 Tips For Puppy-Proofing Your Home

by | Sep 16 2022

Bringing a puppy home is such an exciting and wonderful experience. But while it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement and the joy, some practical considerations should be taken into account, and one of the top priorities on your list should be puppy-proofing your home.

Dogs, especially puppies, are very curious creatures. They will explore every nook and cranny of your house, so it’s important to take the necessary precautions to protect them from potential harm and hazards.

While it takes a little bit of effort and some forward-thinking, puppy-proofing your home is a very sensible action to take. Once it’s done, you can love every minute with your tiny pooch and rest safe in the knowledge that your home is a truly safe place for them.

We’ve compiled a handy list of thirteen tips that will help you prepare your home for a puppy’s arrival!



13 tips for puppy-proofing your home



1. Keep your rubbish covered and inaccessible


Puppies are curious (and hungry!) little creatures who will put just about anything in their mouths and your rubbish bin is full of fantastic smells to be explored.

This means you must be extra careful about keeping your rubbish covered and inaccessible. If your puppy gets into your rubbish bin, it could consume something toxic, or unsanitary or even swallow something sharp which could cause internal injuries.


2. Cover and contain electrical cords


Puppies are full of energy and love to chew on things.

Unfortunately, this can sometimes include electrical cords. They can potentially suffer from burns or electrocution if they chew through a live wire, so it’s essential to take precautions to prevent this from happening.
One way to do this is to cover electrical cords with plastic covers and cord sheaths or tuck them behind furniture.

Distracting chew toys or healthy treats will also help as they give your little pooch something else to gnaw on!


3. Properly stow bags


It’s so important to properly stow your bags when you have a puppy in the house. All sorts of things in bags can be harmful to puppies, such as food wrappers, makeup, and even medicine.

By keeping them out of reach, you can stop your pup from getting into anything harmful, as well as reduce the risk of suffocation or choking if they go to town on any plastic ones.


4. Hide all medicine and painkillers


All medicinal products, no matter what they are stored in, should be kept somewhere high and out of sight, and this includes ones specifically made for dogs.

A locked cabinet, or one that’s placed too high for your puppy’s reach, is the best place for any tablets, painkillers, creams etc.


5. Research potentially poisonous houseplants


You may not be aware, but many indoor plants can be toxic if ingested, especially by puppies.

If you have plants, check whether they’re pet-safe and if not, put them in inaccessible areas to avoid any accidents.


13 Tips For Puppy-Proofing Your Home - Mark + Chappell (1)


6. Provide them space to play and move


Puppies have a lot of energy and they need to burn it off somehow – otherwise, they’ll get bored and start creating their own entertainment, which usually involves doing something they’re not supposed to!

So, providing them with plenty of space to play and run around is the best way to keep them happy and healthy – and out of trouble!

This could include fencing off a section in your living room or back garden just for your puppy so they can freely run, jump, roll and play until they’ve burned themselves out!


7. Hide potentially harmful household products


Your puppy will spend their days exploring their surroundings and eating everything they possibly can. And, unlike baby humans, child-locked boxes and bottles won’t be enough to protect them because they have a real knack for chewing right through them!

Unfortunately, this can lead to them ingesting harmful household items such as cleaners, detergents, glue, and chemicals (anything under your sink really!).

While many of these substances may not be life-threatening to grown adults (though some are!), they can be deadly for puppies. Even a tiny amount of these products can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, or even more serious consequences such as organ failure.

So it’s vital to keep all household cleaners, sprays, anti-bacterial wipes, detergents, glues, and chemicals out of reach of your puppy.


8. Set limits with pens or baby gates


A puppy-proof home is a safe home. By setting limits for your puppy with pens or baby gates, you can keep them away from dangerous areas and potential hazards. Starting early is essential, as puppies are notorious for getting into everything.


9. Cordon off heights


When you get a new puppy, one of the first things you need to do is cordon off any areas where they could potentially fall from and then hurt themselves.

A puppy’s bones are not strong enough yet to withstand impacts and can easily break if they fall from a height. Even a short fall could result in serious injuries so make sure to prevent this by cordoning off balconies, steep steps, staircases and upstairs landings.


10. Put batteries and battery-operated devices up high


All puppy owners must be aware of the risks posed by batteries and other battery-operated devices, such as remotes, shavers, weighing scales etc.

If a puppy ingests a battery, it could do real damage to its internal organs so the best way to avoid this is to put anything that contains batteries out of your pup’s sight and reach.


11. Hide any harmful human food


Some human foods can be toxic to your furry friend and should be kept away from your puppy. Dogs and humans metabolise food differently, so what might be perfectly safe for us could potentially be very harmful to a developing puppy.

Stick to pet food if you want to stay on the safe side and ensure your new puppy doesn’t get to consume foods like onions, chocolate, garlic, grapes, raisins and more.


12. Be wary of open windows, doors, gates


Open windows, doors, and gates can pose a hazard to your puppy. Puppies will often explore any new openings they see, and if the opening is big enough, they may try to squeeze through it. This can lead to them getting stuck or lost outside, as well as the constant danger from road traffic.

While leaving a door or gate open for some fresh air may be tempting, ensuring that your puppy is safely confined is crucial. This could be achieved by fencing off the inner boundary of your garden in some manner so your puppy can’t go any further than your property limits.


13. No small objects on the floor


Because your puppy will try and eat almost anything, it increases their risk of ingesting harmful small objects in particular. This is especially true of objects like coins or buttons, which can easily be swallowed.

You can avoid potential harm by keeping the floor clear of small objects.


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Further tips to help your growing puppy


Keeping your new furry friend safe and out of trouble starts with puppy-proofing your home.

It can require some effort, but if you secure your home and create a designated space for your puppy, you will be able to avoid costly accidents and maintain the health and happiness of your young pet.

At Mark + Chappell, we know that our pets, especially our adorable puppies, are as much a part of our family as we are. We must provide them with the care they need and when it comes to pet care, you can always count on us.

We offer a range of treats to ensure your pup grows into a healthy doggo:


  • Teething for Puppies – for puppies from four weeks, these delicious treats help to soothe the pain of teething and also help to reduce destructive chewing


  • Healthy Calming Treats – the chamomile and lemon balm naturally calms and soothes your puppy, as well as improves its concentration during crucial obedience training


  • Intestinal Aid Treats – suitable from four weeks old, these treats help to maintain intestinal hygiene whilst being gentle on your puppy’s gut and digestive system


  • Nutri-Boosters for Puppies – for puppies from four weeks, this product helps support a puppy’s immune system and build healthy teeth and bones


  • Breath & Dental – for puppies from four weeks, these delicious treats help to control plaque & tartar buildup


  • Skin & Coat – for puppies from four weeks, helps reduce excessive shedding, while also promoting healthy skin and coat


Also, don’t forget to visit our blog for more pet-related tips and advice!


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