Tear stains in pets can be an unsightly (excuse the pun!) and unwelcome appearance around the eye area. More importantly, these stains may be a sign of underlying issues affecting your pet’s overall health.
Preventing tear stains in pets requires a combination of proper care, attention to hygiene, and awareness of potential triggers.
By adopting a regular cleaning routine and using our tips, you can keep your pet’s eyes bright, healthy and full of vitality!
Why do tear stains in pets happen?
Tear stains are reddish-brown streaks that often appear beneath an animal’s eyes. They are most noticeable in lighter-coated dog breeds such as Poodles, Maltese, and Bichon Frises, as well as Persian cats.
Dog breeds such as Pekingese, Shih Tzu, and Himalayan cats have shallow eye sockets because of their flat faces, which also makes them more prone to developing tear stains. Generally speaking, these stains are caused by an excess of tears, which react with bacteria or yeast, leading to discolouration.
Here are some common causes:
- Blocked tear ducts: Improper drainage causes tears to spill over onto the fur.
- Allergies: Just like humans, our pets can also suffer from allergies; environmental or seasonal allergies such as hay fever, or food allergies from certain meat or dairy products. These allergies often lead to irritation in and around the eyes.
- Infections: Bacterial or yeast infections may trigger excessive tearing or watering in the eye socket.
- Dietary imbalances: Poor-quality commercially produced food or additives can contribute to tear stains.
- Genetics: Some breeds are more prone to tear staining due to their facial structure, such as the aforementioned dog breeds like Pekingese or Shih Tzu, as well as Persian cats.
Understanding and identifying the root cause behind your pet’s tear stains will dictate the course of action and treatment needed. However, it’s important to note that every pet will respond differently, so some patience is needed when trying alternative treatments to find what works best for your furry friend.
Tear stains in pets; some extra considerations
Your pet’s eyes and the surrounding area can be sensitive at the best of times. It’s important to take care when managing and treating tear stains, and avoid practices that could worsen the issue:
- Using harsh products: Avoid cleaners containing bleach or other harsh chemicals.
- Skipping routine care: Infrequent cleaning can lead to a build-up of stains that are harder to remove.
- Ignoring symptoms: Excessive tearing or staining can be a sign of a medical issue.
While most cases of tear staining can be managed effectively at home, there are instances where veterinary advice is necessary. Seek professional help if:
- The tear stains worsen despite regular cleaning.
- Your pet shows signs of discomfort, such as pawing at their eyes.
- You notice swelling, redness, or discharge around the eyes.
- The staining is accompanied by other symptoms, such as lethargy or changes in appetite.
6 tips for preventing tear stains in pets
To you, your pet is beautiful, regardless of the appearance of tear stains. However, it’s important to remember that it’s not just a cosmetic issue; if left untreated, tear stains can lead to discomfort for your beloved companion. Preventing tear stains requires a proactive approach to nip them in the bud before they turn into a bigger problem.
Here are six practical tips to help keep your pet’s eyes clean and stain-free:
1. Ensure proper hydration
Hydrate, hydrate and hydrate! We cannot stress enough how important high-quality water is for your pet’s overall health but moreover, it can help to reduce tear stains. Filtered water is recommended, as it eliminates impurities that might contribute to staining. Be sure to discourage your pet from drinking out of dirty puddles or stagnant water.
2. Opt for a high-quality diet
A balanced, nutrient-rich diet can minimise tear stains. Avoid commercially produced foods with artificial additives, preservatives, or dyes, as these may exacerbate the problem.
3. Address underlying allergies
If your pet’s tear stains are allergy-related, consult your vet to identify triggers. Managing allergies through diet or medication can significantly reduce excessive tearing.
4. Regular grooming
We all love a bit of pampering but our pets may not feel the same, especially when it comes to grooming. However, keeping the fur around your pet’s eyes trimmed neatly prevents tears from accumulating and creating a breeding ground for nasty bacteria.
5. Monitor your pet’s health
Tear stains can sometimes indicate a more serious issue. Regular vet check-ups will help ensure no underlying conditions are contributing to the problem.
6. Maintain a regular cleaning routine
One of the most effective ways to prevent tear stains in pets is by cleaning their eyes daily. Use a gentle, non-toxic solution such as VETIQ Tear Stain Cleaner to remove debris, excess tears, and bacteria.
VETIQ Tear Stain Cleaner to the rescue!
As a pet owner, you want your furry bestie to always be feeling and looking in top form. VETIQ Tear Stain Cleaner offers a safe and effective solution for preventing tear stains in pets so that your fur baby’s eyes stay healthy and bright. Its gentle, non-toxic formula is suitable for regular use, making it an essential part of your pet care routine:
- Gentle and non-irritating: Perfect for sensitive eyes.
- Suitable for all breeds: Designed for both dogs and cats.
- Convenient application: Easy-to-use formula for stress-free cleaning.
Regular use of our Tear Stain Cleaner helps to prevent the build-up of bacteria and keeps your pet’s fur around the eyes clean and fresh.
Take the first step in preventing tear stains in pets
Preventing tear stains in pets is simple once you have identified the root cause. By maintaining a regular cleaning routine and following some of the tips we have shared above, you can significantly reduce the occurrence of tear stains. Including our Tear Stain Cleaner in your pet’s grooming routine provides a simple and effective way to keep your pet’s eyes clean and healthy.
Add VETIQ Tear Stain Cleaner to your basket today and give your furry companions the gift of healthy eyes!