5 Fun Ways To Work Out With Your Dog

by | May 12 2016

With summer almost here, we’ve got five pawsome ways to work out with your dog so you and your furry bestie can revel in the longer evenings together!




Most dogs make an excellent hiking companion to hit the trails with. If your dog is obedient, physically fit, and social then grab the water and get going! Be careful in the heat and humidity, however. Some dogs, especially the flat-faced breeds, have trouble in these conditions as it is harder to take in air.

If you plan on heading for the hills, don’t forget to get tick prevention. The warmer it gets outside the more ticks will be present and if you and your dog like to go off-trail or in woody areas, it is better to be safe than sorry.




Hitting the pavement with your pup is not only a great way to bond but torch calories as well. If your dog is inactive and spends most of it days sitting on the couch, they can become overweight and out of shape. If this is the case, it is best to start slow and go at a safe, healthy pace. Starting with too much too soon can increase the risk of injury for you and your pup.




Namaste! Find your Zen with some Doga (dog yoga). Downward dog is not just a yoga position anymore, it’s the real deal! For a unique bonding experience with your pet, Doga is the way to go. Most classes are practiced in two forms depending on the instructor humans helping dogs perform the poses, or humans doing the yoga while the dog hangs out and watches. Picturing a dog doing yoga makes for a good laugh, but this sport has many benefits to it. Doga aids in relaxation and stress relief, builds the bond between human and companion, and can help calm hyperactive dogs.




If your dog has never run with you while biking it is important to do some training beforehand. Establish the groundwork early by walking the bike with your pet attached to it. Once you feel comfortable, find a pace that you and your dog are happy with and be sure to stop as needed for water breaks and rest. After a few practice rounds, you will be cruising!




Paddle boarding with your dog might sound complicated but once you get the hang of it welcome to hours of fun and a killer ab workout. The best part is that any dog breed can join. Remember safety first! If your dog has trouble swimming then a life vest is highly recommended.


With these fun workout ideas, you and your dog are sure to be fit and fabulous in no time! Check out our blog for more amazing dog-related ideas and articles!


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