BBQ Safety Tips For Pet Owners!

by | May 28 2018

The good weather is here so bring on the BBQs. Food always seems to taste better when it’s grilled; however, BBQs do pose a danger for cats and dogs. To ensure every BBQ moment you have this summer is magical, follow these simple BBQ safety tips for pet owners to make sure your barbeque is fun for everyone!


  • Always keep the BBQ lid down to prevent dogs from putting their paws on the hot grill
  • Secure dogs with leashes, or ask friends and children to keep the dog company
  • Whether you’re cooking on a gas, propane, or charcoal grill, open flames are dangerous and it’s important to keep the BBQ monitored at all times. Pets and humans alike can sustain injuries when grills are left unattended.
  • Dogs can eat meat, including barbecue favourites such as hot dogs and burgers. However, take note that even “safe” meat should be eaten in moderation.
  • Remind guests not to feed scraps to the dogs. Barbeque scraps can upset your pet’s stomach whilst undercooked or fatty foods could give them a nasty dose of diarrhoea. Try giving them a healthy chew to chomp on or a fun toy to play with instead.
  • Onions are highly toxic to cats and dogs so make sure you let your guests know not to feed the pets any in advance.
  • Supervise children around dogs
  • Store any lighter fluid or firelighters well out of reach of pets.
  • Have a covered container to collect bones from chicken, ribs, and other meats.
  • Dispose of corn on the cob cores and any skewers in a secure bin with a lid.
  • Keep any alcoholic drinks out of temptation’s way for thirsty pets.
  • Always make sure the barbeque is cooled down quickly once you’ve finished cooking and never leave pets on their own around it while it’s still hot.
  • Dogs can quickly overheat in the sun. Make sure they have plenty of water and somewhere they can go to be in the shade.
  • Having a house full of strangers might be a bit stressful for your pet, but give them plenty of opportunity to relax in peace. Set up a calm, quiet room in your house where pets can retreat to if they feel stressed out.
  • Don’t forget about the smaller pets that live in the garden. Rabbits and guinea pigs might be frightened by the noise of a big group of people. Try and keep guests away from their run or move their enclosure into a quieter part of the garden.


Enjoy the sunshine, look after those pets, and check out our blog when you come in for some shade!


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